Friday, 24 August 2012

An update, and thanks

Hi friends, firstly thanks for all the lovely comments on my last card. I've been pretty ill again and ended up in hospital after being taken to A&E one night last week. They kept me in a couple of days (the first time I've ever been in hospital, but at least there were a couple of hunky doctors!), and when I came home I was very weak and unwell. I've started to feel a bit brighter now so I wanted to come on and say sorry for not having visited many blogs. After the latest card, I was slowly getting round some blogs, a few each day, but I've not really been up to it since I came home - apologies if yours was one I didn't make it as far as. It's all I can do right now to feed myself and do simple basic stuff in the home, and I have to spend a lot of time lying down which doesn't help. Somehow, I will have to master the art of colouring in a horizontal position, ha haa.

Anyway, I read the comments on my card while I was in my hospital bed - it was soooooooooooooooooooo nice to be able to see them and they really made me smile. Thanks so much!

I've got to have some more tests, but you know how long you have to wait for appointments these days, so not sure when I'll know more. In the meantime, I'm taking really good care of myself and although I still don't feel up to crafting, I've been playing the piano when I've felt OK to sit upright instead. Also, I'm hoping to slowly pop along to say Hi and see what you've been up to.

I haven't got any new cards to show, so this is one I did ages and ages ago, just so my blog post isn't just boring text, he hee.


Jackie said...

Good morning Carole, so good to see you. You have no need to apologise, just concentrate on getting yourself well...hugs
A very cute card :o)
Jackie xx

Janice said...

Sorry to hear you've been under the weather Carole, hope they get things sorted for you & you make a good recovery. Love your little card & that fantastic image, Jx

Stamps and Paper said...

Carole so sorry to hear you haven't been too well, hope you start to feel better soon.
Your card is gorgeous and whata super cute image which as usual you have coloured beautifully


Dotty Jo said...

Hi sweetie, so sorry to hear how poorly you've been. Big hugs to you and just take it steady and concentrate on getting better, Jo x

McCrafty's Cards said...

Hi Carole, It is so nice to see you, and to know that you are feeling a wee bit better, while it is always a pleasure to see your beautiful cards, it is much more important that you get well, I am sending healing thoughts to you my friend.
Kevin xx

Doreen said...

Nice to see you blogging Carole,you take it easy and get yourself

Anonymous said...

Hi Sis so glad to see you posting on your blog and seeing yet another great card - what a cute image too.

I hope you are being a good little girl and taking things easy - and whats this about hunky doctors? you didn't mention them in your email tut-tut LoL.... great to have you back sweetie.

Loads of luv and get well wishes
Storm xxxxxx

Crafty Moone Cards said...

Hi Carole,

Sorry to hear that you have been so poorly, take care of yourself. Lovely cute card. Sue x

Joanne said...

Oh my dear girl! What are we to do with you? We need a special, magic, "make Carole well" pill!!! I'm so sorry to hear you had to go hospital, but happy that they took good care of you and kept watch over you. PLEASE continue to get better. One day at a time. Maybe you could record some lovely piano music and post it for us to hear!!! I send much aloha and GIANT hugs to you Carole. I will remember you in my prayers!

All here ok, still very hot! My sweetie will be arriving from Hawaii on Sept. 1st. On the 19th we are off on a 3 week road trip vacation to San Francisco, then the wine country and lastly staying for a week by a beautiful lake! I hope I get LOTS of inspiration for my cards!!

Take care sweet girl, Joanne xoxox

Janette said...

Oh Carol I am sorry to be reading this, I do hope your soon feeling better hun, you have a long 'DO' this time, don't worry about being on the blog, just keep us up to date as you can and have a good rest sweetie, we will be thinking of you...look forward to seeing you all fit and well soon.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PS...Trust you to notice the Doctors were

chrissy xx said...

Hello my friend.....
Hope you are feeling much much better Carole since you posted this on your blog....and hoping you get to have your tests soon.
Take care...

Renkata said...

Hi sweetie, don't you worry. Just take go rest. Wish you all the best.

June Nelson said...

Oh Hunnie I hope your felling ok now bless you what a shame, youjust chill and let your body heal hunnie, dont matter if your cardi s an old one or not its brillliant anyways, take care big huggies June xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lynne in NI said...

Hi Carole
Sorry to hear you haven't been too wel. Take care of yourself and I hope you're feeling better soon!
Lynne :)

Jackie said...

Hi Carole, me again :o)
Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog, I do so appreciate you taking the trouble, especially when you are not so well...hugs
Jackie xx

Cathy said...

Hi Carole, I hope this comment finds you feeling much better. I hate to hear that you are ill. I love stopping by your blog to leave you some love. You are in my opinion the best colorer (is that a word)?
in blog land. I am saying a prayer for you. With much love and concern. Cathy

Jackie said...

Hi again Carole, yes it was a surprise to 'see' you so soon again knowing that you are not too well. I hope you are feeling much better now...hugs
Jackie xx

Joan Ervin said...

Hi Carole....I'm sooo sorry you have been so ill!!! I'm glad you are out of the hospital and doing a little better....sure wish I could travel across the pond and be your private duty nurse!!! Your card is adorable with that sweet image and your fabby coloring!!!!! Take you time recuperating, now....I'm sending you lots of hugs and prayers for a full recovery!!!!!

jeanie g said...

Hi Carole hope you're feeling a little better. It's no fun is it when you want to blog and create and there is no way the body responds. Keep safe and listen to that body when it says REST. This is the Pot and Kettle syndrome here. lol

Vicky said...

Eeek Carole!! It sounds like you have had a prtty rough time health wise, I hope you're on the mend again soon!!

Your card is gorgoeus, I love the bright colours

hugs Vicky xxx

Cathy said...

Hi Carole just wanted to stop by and see how you are feeling. Better I hope. I think about you and miss your wonderful cards. I do sincerely hope you are on the mend. Cathy

Cathy said...

Carole would like an update. I hope you are better now. Your friend Cathy